Ahead of the IPA Strategic Planning Residential this September we asked some of our speakers to tell us 3 things that people may not know about them … and their responses are sure to surprise you!

Martin Weigel, Head of Planning, Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam

My session is on:
The Case For Chaos – The corporate instinct, the stupidity of orthodoxy, the illusion of best practice, the stifling effects of process, and a survival strategy for creativity.

Three things that people might not know about me …


I worked as a qualitative researcher for five years before entering advertising. There’s nothing like conducting focus groups and interviews day in day out, listening to people talk about their lives to put what we do in Adland into proper perspective. It’s a lesson I have never forgotten.


I have a deep loathing for books about business and marketing. Almost without exception (there are a few) it’s self-serving drivel. Read the dust jacket and move on. There’s more practical wisdom in the Literature section. I also suffer from tsundoku.


I believe cats are the advance party of a coming alien invasion. They are so obviously waiting for the arrival of their comrades. Look into the eyes of any cat and it’s pretty obvious that they’re thinking – “One day this charade of cuteness will be over. One day we shall have dominion over you, and then you, weird hairless mortals, will kneel before us.”

About the IPA Strategic Planning Course

Planning in a Post Specialist Era: This three-day residential course aims to define the new era of strategy and showcase the knowledge and skills that planners need to think in an agile, flexible and influential way.

The course is recommended for strategic planners, account managers and brand managers with at least five years experience.

3 Day Residential
Date: 2-4 September 2018
Venue: Ovolo Hotel, Woolloomooloo Sydney
Corporate member: $3,300 per person (including GST)
Non-member: $5,500 (including GST)